Religious Diversity


Religious Diversity

Various religions in the Winchester Resort can be witnessed with the nearby temples, kovils, and churches. They are sacred to those individuals who are involved in offering prayers and other religious activities. 

As one enters the temples and kovils, she immediately gets the feeling of Hinduism practicing rituals and prayers. Tastefully, the inside of the building boasts spectacular paintings and statues. They burn incense, bow before their gods, and make offerings; the surroundings are quiet, and there is nice music playing in the background. 

Here, Id9 guests can plunge into the atmosphere of Orthodox religion. The constructions have painted windows and serve as the proper setting for prayer, listening to the stories from the Old and New Testaments, or meditation. 

Whether the visitor belongs to the Abrahamic faith or not, a visit to such holy sites can be considered an opportunity to have a break from the noisy city life. It becomes a chance to contemplate the divine and its existence, making the guests in harmony with their spirituality. In this solemnity of the atmosphere, people get captivated by an awareness of something beyond the general populousness of everyday life. 

A chance to be touched by the divine!

More Information:
  • Minimum Age: 8 years
  • Half Day Trip
  • Available Year-round
Reservation By Phone

+94 704 74 74 74

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